
Amazing and magical! A tale of the birth of Chappe

“As I walked along the streets of Ekenäs, I found that block to be interesting enough, but I thought that it could be even more interesting. The idea is that it will be striking in the best sense of the word.”

Albert de la Chapelle

In 2016, Albert de la Chapelle (1933–2020) suggested to Dan Lindholm, the Director of Raseborg Museum at the time, that he might be willing to support the building of a new art museum in the centre of Ekenäs.  This is how the idea of an art museum originated, and Albert’s wife, Professor Clara D. Bloomfield (1942–2020), also contributed to the planning. The primary target of the Albert de la Chapelle Art Foundation was to realise the art museum project. In 2018, the Art Foundation announced a design competition, and JKMM Architects was chosen as the winner.

The exhibition displays the life and career of Albert de la Chapelle, describes the origin and accumulation of his art and silver piece collections and tells the story of Chappe. The exhibition presents an extensive timeline of the life of Albert de la Chapelle as well as the history and origin of the cultural quarter in Ekenäs. A documentary video produced by dlc media delves into the life of Albert by utilising archive material and interviews to seek the person behind the deeds and accomplishments. The documentary film is available for watching at the museum and on Chappe’s YouTube channel. 

In the section describing the different phases of Chappe, Architect Asmo Jaaksi and Architect Jenni Reuter, the chairperson of the architectural competition jury, share their thoughts. The section also includes a time-lapse video on the progress of the construction work as well as the original architectural drawings and scale model of JKMM Architects that were entered into the competition. 

The digital social media wall in the exhibition offers a view that is updated in real time, displaying audiovisual content produced by visitors. 

The exhibitions have been curated by Exhibition Curator Pia Hovi.

Download a pdf-version of the timeline here.

Timeline about Albert de la Chapelles' life

Additional information about the exhibitions: Exhibition Curator Pia Hovi, pia.hovi@raseborg.fi, tel. +358 (0)19 289 2515